solar system

Everything that exists, including space, Galaxies in which all planets( move around the sun is called solar system), earth, sun, moon, Mars, Rahu, Guru, Saturn, Mercury, Ketu, and other stars are present all are held together by the gravity system, in the universe,

saints, sages, Muni’s, has said that all are created, by the supreme power, God.

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Diameter:13,84,000 Kilometer

Satellites: 9 Planets

Age: 4.5 billion years

Facts About Sun

  1. A rather ordinary, middle age star, the gaseous sun may reach a temperature of 27-million degrees Celsius at its core.
  2. It’s 11 years cycle is now approaching a solar maximum, a period marked by many sunspots and flares.
  3. On Earth, some radio waves will be disturbed, and the fantastic sky streamers called Northern Lights would appear.


Diameter: 4,849.6 Kilometer

Moons: None

Avg.Distance to Sun: 57.6 million KM

Time to Orbit the Sun: 88 Days

Facts About Mercury

  1. Tiny Mercury, slightly larger than Earth’s moon.
  2. Races along its elliptical orbital 1,76,000 kilometre per hour.
  3. A speed that keeps it from being drawn into the Sun’s gravity field.
  4. The crated planet has no atmosphere; days are scorching hot and nights, frigid.


Diameter: 12,032 Kilometer

Moons: None

Avg.Distance to Sun: 107.52 million KM

Time to Orbit the Sun: 225 Days

Facts About Venus

  1. Earth’s twin in size and mass, sparingly hot Venus is perpetually veiled behind reflective sulfuric acid clouds.
  2. Probes and radar mapping have pierced the clouds and carbon dioxide environment to reveal flat, rocky plains & signs of volcanic activity.


Diameter: 12,732.2 Kilometer

Moons: 1

Avg.Distance to Sun: 148.8 million KM

Time to Orbit the Sun: 365 Days

Facts About Earth

  1. Uniquely moderate temperature and the presence of oxygen and copious water maker Earth the only planet in the solar system to support life.


Diameter: 6,755.2 Kilometer

Moons: 2

Avg.Distance to Sun: 225.6 million KM

Time to Orbit the Sun: 687 Days

Facts About Mars

  1. The Viking probes failed to Beneath its thin atmosphere.
  2. Mars is barren, covered with pink soil and boulders.
  3. Long ago it was active; the surface is marked with dormant volcanoes and deep chasms where water once freely flowed.


Diameter: 1,41,968 Kilometer

Moons: 63

Avg.Distance to Sun: 772.8 million KM

Time to Orbit the Sun: 11.9 Years

Facts About Jupiter

  1. Two Pioneer space probes photographed the Great Red Spot on the Solar System’s largest planet.
  2. Voyagers I and II later showed it is an enormous eddy in the hard cloud cover. Earth the only planet in the solar system to support life.
  3. They also spotted dusty rings, three new moons, and volcanoes on the Moon.


Diameter: 1,19,296 Kilometer

Moons: 20 or more

Avg.Distance to Sun: 1,417.6 million KM

Time to Orbit the Sun: 29.5 Years

Facts About Saturn

  1. Voyager, I found that the celebrated rings of the golden giant Saturn are composed of thousands of rippling, spiralling bands just 100 feets thick.
  2. The moon Titan has a nitrogen atmosphere and hydrocarbons.


Diameter: 52,096 Kilometer

Moons: 17

Avg.Distance to Sun: 2,852.8 million KM

Time to Orbit the Sun: 84 Years

Facts About Uranus

  1. Waterly Uranus is the only planet that lies on its side.
  2. One pole, then the other, faces the Sun as it orbits.
  3. Voyager-I found nine dark, compact rings around the planet and a corkscrew-shaped magnetic field that stretches millions of kilometres.


Diameter: 49,000 Kilometer

Moons: 8

Avg.Distance to Sun: 4,497 million KM

Time to Orbit the Sun: 165 Years

Facts About Neptune

  1. It is denser & little smaller than Uranus.
  2. Its Atmosphere appears blue, with quickly changing white clouds often suspended high above an apparent surface.
  3. Atmosphere constituents are mostly hydrocarbon compounds.
  4. It Emits about 2.3 times more energy than it receives from the Sun and the Aurora phenomenon was noticed by Voyager II.


Diameter: 3,040 Kilometer

Moons: 1

Avg.Distance to Sun: 5,865.5 million KM

Time to Orbit the Sun: 248 Years

Facts About Pluto

  1. This Planet is the farthest, the smallest, the darkest, the coldest and arguably the strongest.
  2. It follows the most elongated and tilted orbit in the solar system.
  3. Its moon, Charon, is nearly half its size – appears like a bi-planet.
  4. NASA used a new infra-red telescope, has learned that Pluto is shrouded in frozen nitrogen- not methane as once thought. Nitrogen makes 78% of the air.

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