Sri Ganeshji Visarjan

Ganeshji Visarjan

On the Ganesh Utsav festival, Ganesh idol is installed in Houses and also in Mandaps. Families decorate a small, clean corner with flowers and other colourful items before installing the idol. When the idol is installed, it and its shrine are decorated with flowers and other materials.

“Worship is first and foremost an involvement of the heart. Worship without heart is insignificant.  Lord Ganesha is with us 365 days of the year, if you remember him through whole heartedly, he will accept all your offerings also take away all your worries and sorrows, by receiving’s our prayers, chants and Nevadanas, as imperfect people, we rarely love without somewhat tainted motives. But most of us have only ten days to pray the Lord Ganesha, so that our new activity that is started by us should be successfully completed without any obstacles.

Worship Lord Ganesha whole heartedly. True worship must be “in spirit,” that is, engaging the whole heart. Unless there’s a real passion for God, there is no worship in spirit.

There are some reasons related to both the Sanatana Hindu Dharma and the environment. As per many Hindu Scriptures, the clay idols of any God should be immersed after performing Puja and worshipping for a certain period. Our worship should not cause damage to the surrounding environment by using the idols made out of hazardous material.  While idols made out of naturally occurring clay dissolve within hours of immersion in water, hazardous material may take anywhere between several months to fully dissolve. In addition, when chemical paints, metals, oily substances, synthetic colours are used to beautify the idols, these paints contain heavy metals such as mercury and lead, which seep into the water as the idol dissolves which may harm aquatic livings by producing acidic water and when these idols are immersed in our aquatic and surrounding environments get severally affected.” Careless Ganeshji Visarjan of idols in water bodies blocks the natural flow of water which results in breeding of mosquitoes and other harmful pests. The polluted water causes several diseases including skin diseases.”

Due to environmental concerns, a number of families now avoid bodies of water and let the clay statue disintegrate in a container of water at home. After a few days, the clay is spread in the home garden. In some cities a public, eco-friendly process is used for the immersion to avoid aquatic and surrounding environment pollutions.

Keep on making sure of what is acceptable to the Lord.” The true worshippers will worship the Lord with spirit and reality. As people, we all sing songs for Lord Ganesha with our lips, but our heart is far from the lord; in vain our people do worship the Lord,” by looking some pictures of Ganeshji Visarjan in the recent years of Lord Ganesha if treated like this.

Ganeshji Visarjan

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