Present difficulties are the predictable effect of past unwanted actions performed by us and are reflected in the horoscope by afflictions of functional malefic planets. The timing for the unfolding of these potentials is indicated by the planetary Dashas and transits. Caring deeds and spiritual perceives are the easy remedies in this 21st century. malefic planets related afflictions are lessened by rendering help, offering in charity and/or services we can serve to our family members, near dear relatives, neighbours, living beings of the universe. We here give some Lal Kitab remedies for daily use that can help persons to achieve their heart’s desire. Here are some commonly used priceless remedies that are in our reach and readily available in our houses, things you see and ignore in daily basis can now help you to lessen the malefic afflictions of the malefic planets in your horoscope.
Remedies for the Functional Malefic Planets in our horoscope to lessen the affliction we are feeling or dealing with in our day to day life to achieve happiness, health and wealth.
The precious and semi-precious stones and colours related to that malefic planets should be avoided.
Bad position of the sun in your horoscope may lead to problems mentioned below with remedies:
When you feel your body remains stiff you feel difficulty in movement of body parts. The relation with the father is not good. Face uncertainties in every main work. Do not get favour from bosses/superiors.
Astrological Remedies for Bad Planetary Effects for sun:
The Sun related afflictions are lessened by rendering service to one’s father or husband and offering food to cows is also traditional. Do not accept anything in charity. Begin any important work after eating sweet and then drinking water.
Bad position of the moon in your horoscope may lead to problems mentioned below with remedies:
When your Water resources in the house have one or the other problem, well or pond in the house if any becomes dry. Your eyesight is weak. Frightened of raking risk in life. You are not able to focus well on any subject. Have problems in making a decision. Prone to cold. Problems like a cough. Afraid of small issues also.
Astrological Remedies for Bad Planetary Effects for the moon:
Moon-related afflictions are lessened by rendering service to one’s mother or wife, Get blessings of your mother by touching her feet and charity to elderly needy women. Offering food to cows is also traditional. Keep a glass full of water near your head at night when you sleep. Next morning, pour it into the roots of an acacia (kikar) tree.
Bad position of mercury in your horoscope may lead to problems mentioned below with remedies:
When you feel you can feel weakness. Feeling low IQ. Dental problems. Disappointment in trade. The loss of Shares. Problems due to the Nervous system.
Astrological Remedies for Bad Planetary Effects for mercury.
Mercury-related afflictions are lessened by rendering help to poor young students and to organizations working for the benefit of poor or orphaned children. Do not accept or wear talismans (tabij). Clean your teeth with alum (fitkari) daily. Offering green fodder or grass to cows is also traditional.
Bad position of Venus in your horoscope may lead to problems mentioned below with remedies:
When you feel weak, no favours from females. Like wearing stained clothes. Have skin disease.
Astrological Remedies for Bad Planetary Effects for venus.
Venus related afflictions are lessened by rendering help to females in distress and keeping one’s wife happy. Give curd, pure clarified butter (dhesi ghee) and camphor at the holy place. Donating silken clothes of bright colours; food essentials; and white coloured sweets to the birds is also traditional.
Bad position of mars in your horoscope may lead to problems mentioned below with remedies:
When you have the Joint pain problem, weakness in your body, deficiency of blood, argument atmosphere, lose Temper. No favour from high officials. Failure in sporting.
Astrological Remedies for Bad Planetary Effects for mars.
Mars related afflictions are lessened by rendering help to younger siblings and servants (or those in servile positions). Help your brother(s) from time to time. Do not annoy them. Give frequently red clothes to your sister or maternal aunt or niece. The person should practice prayer, meditation or calm thought each morning for ten minutes to fifteen minutes, to avoid destroying the influence of planet Mars.
Bad position of Jupiter in your horoscope may lead to problems mentioned below with remedies:
When you feel Problems related to the throat are regular. Complete baldness, problems in education. Get influenced by rumours. Interruption’s in studies. No favour from finance sectors, Problem-related to back, spinal cord, blood sugar, etc.
Astrological Remedies for Bad Planetary Effects for Jupiter.
Jupiter related afflictions are lessened by rendering service to one’s preceptor, Guru, Teacher, performing morning prayers; and donating for the construction of temples, holy places, and the like. Give food to girls who are under nine. Do not cut or get a ficus reliiosa (peepal) tree cut. Show respect to it. Offering yellow coloured sweets to beggars or crows is also traditional.
Bad position of Saturn in your horoscope may lead to problems mentioned below with remedies:
When you feel may have Hair loss in the eyelids and eyebrows, unexpected damage in the house. Accident with iron. The loss in construction work of building.
Astrological Remedies for Bad Planetary Effects for Saturn.
Saturn related afflictions are lessened by rendering service and charity for the poor, and people working as servants or in subservient positions. Give baked bread (chapatis) with mustard oil applied on them to dogs and crows. Donate iron. Charity to organizations serving elderly needy persons also benefits.
Bad position of Rahu in your horoscope may lead to problems mentioned below with remedies:
When you have many tensions in your life. Experience opponents everywhere. No support from family members and near dear ones.
Astrological Remedies for Bad Planetary Effects for Rahu (Dragon’s Head)
Rahu is a functional malefic in every horoscope. Rahu related afflictions are lessened by rendering help service to the elderly troubled by poverty, or people suffering from disfiguring diseases and service to one’s parents or in-laws. Give cooked red lentil (red masoor pulses) to your sweeper and or help him in other ways. Eat in the kitchen when the kitchen fire is burning. Offering humanity in the form of food to crows is also traditional. Bathe in sacred rivers or tanks.
Bad position of Keu in your horoscope may lead to problems mentioned below with remedies:
When your Children remain sick, you may feel joint pain and get injuries. Urinal problems. Etc.
Astrological Remedies for Bad Planetary Effects for Ketu (Dragon’s Tail)
Ketu is a functional malefic in every horoscope. Ketu related afflictions are lessened by rendering help to offer charity and/or services to individuals or institutions that are genuinely and completely doing the spiritual needs of others. Keep at home or feed a white and black dog (two colours only). Give chapattis (baked bread) to dogs. Give white and black blanket made of wool in a religious place or temple. Feeding and showing kindness to stray dogs is also traditional.
If you also facing such type of problems because of these stars then you can take the help of spiritual guide, Guru of your faith or an Astrologer, before applying any remedies if you have any kind of confusion or you are not getting your desires, it is advisable to consult an experienced spiritual guide, guru, or an astrologer before you undertake these remedies (upayas) to achieve happiness, health and wealth.