covid19 immune system

Easy way to boost your immune system against the Covid19

Nowadays the Coronavirus (Covid19) is growing diseases in any age group, in addition to the contribution of health workers, it is also important for us to adopt certain protective and precautionary measures. COVID-19, a contagious respiratory disease and now is spreading worldwide at a faster rate might be prevented by adopting good hygiene practices. However, […]

Get Rid of Headaches easily

Feeling Headaches – 9 Remedies to Get Rid of Headaches easily

Nowadays headache/migraine is growing diseases in any age group, in earlier times it was seen only among aged peoples. Although headache is a common disease that soon resolves migraine headaches are unbearable. A migraine headache is a type of headache that tends to recur and causes moderate to severe pain. The pain is often described […]

best way to attain health and cure disease

A permanent solution to the life’s all problems

Jyotish can help alleviate the unfavourable results of past actions through special measures. However, spiritual masters, a self-realized sage, Guru (Guru Maneyo Granth, refers to the historic statement of the 10th Sikh Guru, Guru Gobind Singh), seems to be of the opinion that the permanent and foolproof solutions to our suffering is through realizing our [...]
Impact of computers in the health of humans quote

Impact of computers in the health of humans

“Man is still the most extraordinary computer of all.” The technology plays a very important role in our life, whether in education, or business or households. The multimedia possibilities of recent computers are practically limitless. Computers allow users to listen to music, play video games, browse the web, watch movies and keep up with their [...]
simple ways to distress yourself

simple ways to distress yourself

“Set peace of mind as your highest goal, and organize your life around it.” Stress is a very common talk in our fast day to day life. In one's life, everyone suffers from stress at some point or the other. The main reason why our mind remains disturbed is that we are not satisfied with [...]

Be conscious

Be acutely aware of or sensitive to something, conscious of one’s faults; from the lesson, the frog wasn’t mindful of the surrounding situation in which he needs to adjust to surrounding & circumstances.

But we as human being need to be sure when we need to improve & when we need to move on. There are times when we need to face the situation and take appropriate actions.

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Fasting and Prayer

“Through prayer, fasting, and studying, God will answer.” Fasting is commonly an act of active control or reduction of certain or all food, drink, or both, for a period. People seem to observe fasting for a variety of reasons such as religious, general, physical, hygienic, some real worldly gains, and so on. This practice has […]

Be at Peace

“If you cannot find peace within yourself, you will never find it anywhere else.”

For many of us, the greatest battles of life are those we have with ourselves. There are times when people can’t forgive themselves for mistakes of the past. It could be due to hurtful things they have said or done. They have somehow been ill-treated either by their parents, spouse, relative, friend or complete strangers and they can’t go beyond this incident. They spend all their time regretting the mistakes they have made.

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