Believe in Yourself or Astrology Find Out

Believe in Yourself or Astrology Find Out

“Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle.” Believe in Yourself or Astrology Find Out! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers, you cannot be successful or happy. Psychologists ask you about yourself to [...]
Key to Changing Religious beliefs and Rituals

Key to Changing Religious beliefs and Rituals

“Laws, religions, creeds, rituals, and systems of ethics, instead of making society better than its best unit, make it worse than its average unit because they are never up to date.” Ethics or moral philosophy is a branch of philosophy that involves systematizing, defending, and recommending concepts of right and wrong conduct.  Ethics investigates the [...]
World of Illusion

World of Illusion

“We live in a fantasy world, a world of illusion. The great task in life is to find reality.” When you look in the mirror, what do you see? Do you see the real you, or what you have been conditioned to believe is you? The two are so, so different. One is an infinite [...]
Comparing People

Comparing of one with another – a detailed guide

"A home with a loving and loyal husband and wife is the supreme setting in which children can be reared in love and righteousness and in which the spiritual and physical needs of children can be met." Comparing ourselves to others starts at an early age. As we develop, we are compared to the standard, [...]
quick way to know your future

Quick Way to Know Your Future Life

“Many are worried about their future: will any astrologer can help you? No. Astrology is the important part of Veda’s to know about the past, present, and future.” Quick Way to Know Your Future Life, Knowing the future is without a doubt something we have all wondered about. We, humans, tend to want to know [...]

12 Laws of Karma that Will Transform your life

12 Laws of Karma that Will Transform your life

“Absolutely everything you experience in your life is a result of what you have given in your thoughts and feelings, whether you realize you have given them or not.”

Karma means action, means “to do”. Direct we have an indication that the real meaning of karma is not fate because karma is action. It is equivalent to Newton’s law of ‘every action must have a reaction’. When we think, speak or act, we initiate an energy that will react accordingly. This returning energy may be altered, reformed or adjourned, but most people will not be able to eliminate it. A person may not escape the consequences of his actions, but he will suffer only if he himself has prepared the conditions for his suffering. Unawareness of the law is no excuse, whether the laws are normal or universal. A karma theory considers not only the action, but also the actor’s intentions, attitude and desires before and during the action.
Read more about 12 Laws of Karma that Will Transform your life

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